Eworld has the expertise to design Rich Internet Applications using just about any RIA framework, Silverlight, and AJAX. Our team is dedicated to balancing creativity both from a graphical and technical standpoint.
We try to keep step with rapid evolution of IT, especially what concerns application platforms, development tools and database servers. The scope of instruments that we can use for development is not limited: in the case when a technology is not familiar for us, we are ready to start investigation of it.
Microsoft introduced Silverlight as a cross-browser, cross-platform, and cross-device plug-in to build RIA's. Silverlight offers many of the capabilities of Flash, but in an enterprise programming language familiar to developers. It uses the same Common Language Runtime version of .NET.
AJAX is a group of technologies used to make Rich Internet applications. It actually stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML and uses a combination of both as well as HTML, CSS and the Document Object Model to develop RIA's. The use of asynchronous requests with AJAX allow the UI to be more interactive.
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is a graphics subsystem intended to render high quality, rich application user interfaces. Initially released on the .NET framework, Amadeus Consulting has years of experience in this particular technology building rich applications and high-quality user experiences.
Platforms and Operating Systems
- Microsoft .NET (preferred platform)
- Java
Operating Systems:
- MS Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7
- Linux
Developer Tools:
- Microsoft Visul Studio.Net(Preferred Tool)
- Borland Delphi
- Borland JBuilder
- Eclipse
Web Technologies:
- Microsoft ASP.NET/AJAX/SilverLight
- ColdFusion 4.0/4.5/5.0/MX and FuseBox
- Flash MX
- DHTML, JavaScript, VBScript, CSS, XHTML/XML, XSLT
Web Design And Development Tools
- Microsoft Expression Blend
- Microsoft Expression Web
- Adobe Photoshop CS3/CS4/CS5
- Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
- Macromedia ColdFusion Studio
- Macromedia Flash MX
- Macromedia Fireworks 3/4/MX